I'd been keeping my eye out on Ravelry for a second hand spinning wheel, and when this lovely lady came up in Leeds I couldn't resist. She's Polish - a Kromski Mazurka - and so she had to be called after the only Polish Goth geologist I know.
It's taken me a while to get the hang of it, and here are my first wobbly attempts. You can see them getting progressively better... I hope.
1. My first attempt - plain orange merino plied with an orange/brown/yellow mix. Looks fine until you take it off the bobbin!
2. Duck egg merino, navajo plied. The plying was hard, but it didn't turn out too bad considering.
3. My latest effort, jacob humbug top plied with pink and brown merino. It's definitely getting a wee bit more even.
Now I just need to spin enough to actually make something!